oil problem

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Thu Oct 10 23:13:06 EDT 2002

The point here is at what RPM does the oil pressure drop to 1 Bar... if
it's above 2k RPM then I bet a crank/rod bearing is busted, ot maybe there
isn't enough oil in the engine? The oil light comes on at less than .3 Bar
(whatever RPM) and less than 1.8 Bar @ 2100 RPM, if the pressure goes down
to 1 Bar while driving, I would strongly advice tombin (?) to make sure
there's enough oil in the engine and if there is, to "listen" to the engine
and see if a bearing ain't dead...



At 15:54 10/10/2002 -0400, TEX TERRY, II wrote:
>From: tombin <tombin at washington.corrupt.net>
>Hi, i have an audi 4000 (non-quattro).  when my car heats up, the oil
>light comes and slowly the oil pressure goes way down (just around 1 bar).
>there is also some blue smoke comming from the tail pipe.  Could this be a
>vaulve seals problem?  or would it be in the block?
>When the temperature of the oil is raised, then the oil will thin out.  As
>the oil gets thinner, the pressure gauge will show a decrease of oil
>pressure.  If the coolant temperature is in good operating condition, then
>use a heavier weight oil, than what you are presently using, to get better
>control of the oil flow.  When the oil gets thinned out, then there is an
>increased chance of having the thin oil bypass the rings, and get into the
>combustion chamber.  This will produce an oil-type smoke out of the
>exhaust, when the engine is running.  If the problem is just having bad
>valve seals, then, after the engine is turned off, and sat for a while, the
>oil will pass around the valve, and into the combustion chamber.  On
>start-up, there will be a sign of this smoke, but after running for a
>little bit, the smoke will dissappear, until after the next prolonged
>period after shutdown.
>Tex Terry, II
>83 5kt sedan (non-quattro)
>Franklion, PA  USA

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