[urq] silly idiot, urqs are for adults

Martin Pajak Martin at quattro.ca
Tue Oct 15 14:53:16 EDT 2002

>I surely don't hope (can't imagine) that's a lister driving (more like
>trashing) that UrQ?

Once in a while an Ur-q needs a good thrashing just to know who the boss is...
I have in the past given my '83 a good thrashing.
As long as you don't do any high speed farming all shoudl be well.

>At least it's some one with no experience on how to drive a quattro.

You mean properly?  I don't think he's after the lap record but simply having some fun 9or trying to at least).  Unless I am wrong and he really thinks that's the quickest way around the track.

Martin Pajak

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