Audi parts made in Italy. What about their quality?

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Oct 15 16:31:55 EDT 2002

I can only speak from my limited experience, but...
Italian made brake rotors (Brembo) all four, junk.
The surface of the metal checkered and peeled away.
Across the entire face on all four.  Same pads with 2
sets of Ate/Zimmermann combo.  No problems whatsoever.
 Italian made water pump (don't remember the brand off
hand, but it's been posted).  Junk.  Lasted less than
20k miles.  The bearing was so worn, the pulley was
wobbling all over.  Since used a Geba, and no
problems.  Coming up on next change.  Maybe 5-10k from
now.  Also had problems with fasteners but this
problem is spread over the world.  I AM running
Italian made SKF wheel bearings on all four corners
for probably 45-50k so far with no problems, so
there's 1 positive.  Although I probably just jinxed
that.  I try to only use bearings from Germany, US,
England and maybe Japan.  Fasteners from Germany or

My $.02
Jim Accordino

--- Martin Pot <paulnet at> wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> I have some new parts that are made in Italy, but
> they are pretty good looking, but looks could be
> deceiving. I have 2 Italian made transverse links
> and a left front control arm on my shelf but gotten
> wary to use them, since I have had for a little
> while an Italian drivers door handle on my '86 5000
> CSTQ. You talk about the German team door handle,
> but the Italians sure made a sloppy pizza with this
> one. I have the original team door handle product on
> my car now, it sure feels like some fine German
> engineering to me now :>)
> The basic question still is, are there any rules of
> thumb or clues to look for whether an Italian
> product would be up to standard. For suspension
> parts I am afraid that they could be made from
> inferior material, and I would not be able to tell,
> until untimely premature failure.
> Thanks, Martin.
> 91' 2CTQW PRL   '86 5kTQ PRL  91' 2CTQ Maroon  All
> cars chipped
> --

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