[urq] silly idiot, urqs are for adults

Michael Riebs / Audi V8 AudiV8 at 1stchoicegranite.com
Wed Oct 16 11:32:04 EDT 2002

I concur.
Now that I have had a look at the flick, it looks as if the yellow car makes
a classic swerve to the right in order to unload the springs on the right,
before taking a deep turn to the lest, thereby throwing the rear into a
broad curve, with the resulting wheelspin.

Michael L. Riebs
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'90 V8Q
'98 A6QA


----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Renneisen" <racingiron at comcast.net>
To: "'quattro list'" <quattro at audifans.com>; "'20v list'"
<audi20v at rennlist.org>; "'UrQ list'" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 8:52 PM
Subject: RE: [urq] silly idiot, urqs are for adults

> Someone wrote:
> > That thing put some serious power down coming out of that messy
> > corner where he almost lost it
> Am I the only one who knows a "Scandinavian flick" when I see one?
> He did it on purpose--not for speed, but for the camera I presume.
> Pretty impressive to pull it off on tarmac.
> Eric Renneisen
> '90 CQ 20V  -  my "racing-iron"  ;^)
> '85 urq  -  waiting...
> Chattanooga, TN

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