86 5ktq slave cyl installation problem - ideas?

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 17 16:06:33 EDT 2002

If the bolt fits "well", not too loosely, it shouldn't
be a problem.  How about a Nylok, mechanically crimped
nut or Loktite Blue?  I'd go with the mechanically
crimped nut myself.  A new one "never" comes loose on
it's own.  Never.  You could also use some anti-seize
with this setup.

Jim Accordino

BTW-was FAG your OEM slave?  Mine were Ate alloy
bodied and I replaced them with FTE/FAG/Dana.  Black
painted cast iron in a red box.

--- "Livolsi, Stephane"
<Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com> wrote:
> Ok, I have a new OEM FAG slave cylinder for the
> 5ktq. Tranny is still out of
> the car.
> The slave does not come with a new rollpin and I
> cannot find any metric
> rollpins in my area.  The closest I can find is
> slightly larger than the 6mm
> I need and I don't want to try it for fear of
> cracking the aluminum tranny
> case.
> I am thinking of just using a 6 mm high strength
> bolt and double nut with
> lock washer.  (should also make removal a lot easier
> 5 or 6 years from now
> when I have to do the clutch again - won't have to
> find an 'appropriate'
> punch) It appears to me that there is enough of a
> rim around the hole in the
> tranny to seat the nut and bolt properly.
> I know, I KNOW, I should just be using the right
> rollpin, but I can't get
> one....
> Anybody see problems with this? Have I missed any
> considerations?
> Stephane

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