Ticket - Should I dig myself deeper? (LAC)

Pat Korach tm2 at zipcon.net
Thu Oct 17 18:00:38 EDT 2002


Check on the internet for fighting speedng tickets(Google Search).  I got a
ticket going thru Bellingham, Wash. doing 59 int 60 zone and got a ticket
for doing
74.   The cop was using a hand held lazer and clocked me 14 over when I was
under the speed limit.
You can clock a tree going 20mph with a hand held lazer if you are moving
it back and forth slightly. They are inaccurate when not held absolutely
still.  BC, Canada
has outlawed lazers except on tripods for clocking cars.  I got the ticket
thrown out because
30 days before the court date I requested from the court the following:
A copy of the Ticket (front and Back), The officers statement, and any
other pertenant
informantion pertaining to the case.
The court only sent me the front side of the ticket and no officers
statement.  I received
a letter from the statepatrol prior to the court date stating that they
would need another
two weeks to get me the officers statement.  When I went to court I plead
not guilty
because I was not sent all the information I requested and the ticket was
out because I was not sent the back side of the ticket.  The said prior to
starting court
you could plead 3 way.  1. Guilty but explain your curcumstances and I my
lower the
fine, 2. Guilty and pay a adminstrative fee (More than the ticket) If you
keep your nose
clean for a 2 years the ticket dropped and not on your record. 3. Plead not
guilty and take
your chances.  You might check on what the laws are in your state  about
similar ways fight
 the ticket and get stricket from your  record.

Pat Korach
Kirkland, WA

Benjamin Kaupp wrote:

> So... the last day I had my car before I went to college, I was pulling
> out of a stoplight and (apparently) I peeled out a little and
> accelerated rather rapidly. Now, I'm not denying anything, including my
> own stupidity, but I'm wondering a few things about the ticket I got...
> a) it was for exhibition of speed. Does anybody know the official CA
> definition for this?
> b) I was doing 50 when he pulled me over (according to the ticket)... E
> of S is a $540 min + poss jail + 2 points on license... Should I go
> fight it? Oh, and I have a point on my license, but I can get 4 in 1
> year.
> c) the cop said it wouldn't show up on my insurance, said he was doing
> me a favor by not getting me for speeding instead... But looking at
> other tickets, I think I may have wanted speeding...
> The gory details:
> came out of a light too fast, shift-shift-shift (i don't got no speedo,
> so I can't confirm the 50, but I think I was going faster) in a 25
> zone, no beep from the fuzzbuster, but he says he paced me (no, I
> didn't look in the mirror, yes, I am stupid), he wrote the ticket for
> 23109(a) which is a race against another vehicle or a timer... Wrote in
> the wrong addy, too... I just got a thing yesterday saying my court
> date had been moved to the 19th of November and the violation had been
> changed to 23109(c) which states "no person shall engage in exhibition
> of speed on a highway." If anybody on the list lives in the Santa Cruz
> area, it was on upper Bay Street, where it's a 25 mph divided 4 lane.
> I'd appreciate any advice, BTDT, etc. on or off list depending on if
> you think others would benefit
> TIA, everybody
> -Ben Kaupp
> '87 4kcsq - feelin' neglected, but getting new rear Bilsteins and
> bushings soon

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