Back in the Audi Circles!
edkellock at
edkellock at
Sun Oct 20 22:04:35 EDT 2002
O2 sensor?
On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 19:40:50 -0700 David Thoresen <david at>
> Well I did it! talked the now previous owner to a reasonable price
> for
> his 1990 90 Quattro 20v :) OK well its quite nice but has a few
> issues... so a little help from ya'll would be appreciated.
> Issue #1 during cruising at around 60-70 mph the car seems to surge
> and
> subside ever so slightly, almost like a gust of wind is hitting the
> car
> but the tach is remaining constant. Doesn't happen during
> acceleration
> or deceleration.
> Issue #2 Car accelerates greatly to 7000 rpm in 1st gear no problem,
> 2nd
> no problem, but in 3rd the car hesitates at about 4000 rpm, but
> then
> continues to a good acceleration at 4500-5000 rpm and has the same
> problem in gear 4 and 5...
> Issue #3 when cold the engine idles quite well, but when warm it
> idles a
> little rough.
> ok well those are the immediate issues... I would grrrreatly
> appreciate
> your help!
> Ciao!
> David
> 1990 Pearl White 90 20V Quattro 163K miles.
> 1991 VW Vanagon(er) awaiting engine transplant
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