adjustable waste gate cap

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Tue Oct 22 10:42:38 EDT 2002


after my last post I figured that come hell or high
water I was going to figure out that cap and I did
took the top seal off by drilling it out and vwella
there's the allen bolt, just as you described.
 So it looks like the cap and the spring(which has 3
green marks on the coils not 2 as I mentioned before),
came from a urq.
 I'm going to go to the hardware store and get the nut
and bolt needed to make it adjustable.
 I thank all listers for there info.

 Gary when are you going to get a gathering going?
seen alot of talk of winter rally's and ice racing
coming up in Maine and New Hampshire might be a good
spot for a gathering.

--- GMBCHEF at wrote:
>  Hey Ron.
>  On my urq the allen head is on the top of the
> wastegate and I can screw it
> in or back it off to get more or less pressure on
> the spring. On the spare
> cap I have from a 5ktq, there is what looks like a
> seal there in the center
> of the top side of the cap to keep you out of that
> allen head. I've read that
> you may have to drill that seal out to get to the
> allen head, then apply heat
> to melt the loc-tite in order to be able to turn it.
>  That's what it looks like what was dome to my urq
> cap.
> Gary

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