Frightening news...

gerard gerard at
Fri Oct 25 01:17:54 EDT 2002

Audi's type-44 is still alive in China, being made by FAW I believe. It
is also my understanding that alot of the new type-44 parts available in
the world come from China. It doesn't necessarily mean that the parts
are junk. I guess with the backing of Audi there is a standard to be

Alot of Golf Mk3 and mk4 cars, and also Mercedes C-class, have been made
in South Africa of all places. There is a large waiting list for cars
over here because the factories produce stock for international markets.

I would look at the possibility of the A4 being manufactured in China as
an opportunity to get "decent" priced parts. Perhaps their assembly is a
bit down on quality, but this doesn't mean the components themselves
would be bad.

Just my $0.02.


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