The ticket aftermath and a question and a new baby

Benjamin Kaupp bkaupp at
Sat Oct 26 01:24:14 EDT 2002

So all y'all may remember my stupidity of a month ago (75 in a 25 on
Bay Street in S. Cruz)... Well they wrote the ticket for a type A exhib
of speed (preplanned race) and in the confusion of the change, lowered
my ticket to $104 + traffic school. I'm sadly gonna leave the money and
run, because I can't afford any more evil things on my insurance. But
thanks to everybody for your advice. I'm sure it will come in handy in
the far off future.
In Audi news: the 4kq is getting new Bilsteins and new suspension
bushings all around inn preperation for its first snow trip. But I was
daydreaming the other day, and does anybody have any experience with
light duty skid plates (just enough to save myself next time I do light
offroading)... I don't want to add too much weight, so I was wondering
how hard it would be using aluminum and just fitting it on there... It
looks like there's a mount under there and I've seen 4kqs with skid
plates (anybody who wants to take pix or direct me to already taken
ones would be thanked at least once, in passing). Is it even worth it,
or am I better off just praying there's nothing under that snow?
In non Audi news: I am adding a new car to the stable soon. I will soon
be the proud owner of 1/3 of a $200 1966 Chrysler Imperial Crown with a
440 V8... This car has three times the engine, two times the weight and
about 1.5 times the length of the Quattro... Its nickname is already
Behweemouth (c'mon Simpsons fans...)

Anyway, just thought I'd update all those who really didn't care and
that one person who's bored

-Ben Kaupp

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