[2000 A6 2.7T Flasher problem]

Ralph Rocco rrock42 at charter.net
Sat Oct 26 12:14:00 EDT 2002

Hi Tom et al,

Yes, This sounds similar to what I have experienced.  2-3 days of
irregularity with turn-flashers and then back to normal.  Although the
emergency flasher would work fine. What the Audi parts desk pointed out
was that the turn-flasher and emergency flasher are contained within the
same controller (relays, etc) assembly.  I guess it's time to purchase
the Bentley manual.  Unfortunately, my 2000 A6 is out of warranty (50k) now.

Thanks to all who replied,

2000 A6 2.7T 6-speed Black
1991 100 Q 5-speed Black

Tom Nas wrote:

> Ralph Rocco <rrock42 at charter.net> wrote:
>> 2000 A6 2.7T   The flasher signals light once and then stop. I checked
>> fuse #2 OK.  What's up ? Is there a bulb out or something else?
> My brother's '02 A4 had some turn irregularity signal problems, turned
> out
> to be a controller (relay w/electronics) problem. Well known by the
> dealer,
> replaced under warranty.
> HTH, Tom

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