james accordino ssgacc at
Sun Oct 27 04:35:24 EST 2002

Yeah, I already mentioned all this to him.  I just
happened to follow this thread about 2-3 days ago.  If
the #s are similar to when I got my Euros, it'll cost
him what the stealer wants for 1 DOT lamp assembly.  I
paid $540. USD from VM Autohaus including the bulbs,
relays, booties and other stuff.  Just needed to make
a harness.  His lamps were only moderately sandblasted
unlike my "frosted glass" option.  I'm sure he'll
still notice a big improvement.

Jim Accordino

--- Robert Myers <robert at> wrote:
> I'm always sorry to hear of another Audi being
> damaged but be sure to tell
> your friend of the Eurolight GP being assembled at
> present.  If he wants to
> upgrade this might be a good option for him.  The
> email address, if he is
> interested, is <contact at>.  I
> guess that's still the
> address even if he isn't interested.  :-)
> At 07:12 AM 10/27/02, you wrote:
> >Thanks.  I think my life is pretty interesting
> >sometimes.  Always seems like somethings happening.
> >Yesterday an older guy who's a friend of mine and
> an
> >Audinut (3 cars) wrecked HIS favorite.  Not TOO
> badly
> >and he's fine.  He really needs some parts and
> advice
> >and I've been TRYING to get him to post here.  I
> told
> >him you guys won't bite.  Perfect time to upgrade
> to
> >Euros.  He needs both lights anyway and he won't
> find
> >much good at the boneyard.
> Bob
> *****
>   Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
>   Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV
> tag Q SHIP
>   '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ
> 22170244
> *****

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