Vote Chris Miller to ACCNA Board of Directors!

David Head v8q at
Tue Oct 29 16:39:43 EST 2002

OK, OK - dug my ballot out of the trash, read it and voted... Even put a car
stamp on it. Fer $40.00 a year I shouldn't haveta blow 36 cents...

AudiBiTurbo at wrote:

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Please, please send in your ballots.  They're very important and Chris will
> do great work for us all.  I've personally known him for several years and
> wouldn't hesitate to place my reputation on the line in support of him.  He's
> an active instructor, works for Robert Bentley publishing, works on his own
> cars, has a wonderful family, and is a generous person.  I'm proud to call
> him a friend.
> I know he'll be an asset for us all on the Board of Directors.
> Mark Rosenkrantz
> NEQ Instructor, 2000 S4 owner
> AudiBiTurbo at

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