The fuss over the girl and her A3

Gaidos, A. agaidos at
Tue Oct 29 17:29:35 EST 2002

I have idea what her webcam url is or if she even has one. I got her
permission to post some pictures of her but not to hand out her email. I
will keep that to myself regardless.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Thoresen [mailto:david at]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 5:06 PM
To: agaidos at
Cc: Robert Myers; quattro at; Audi 20V
Subject: Re: The fuss over the girl and her A3

Hey send not only her email but her webcam address...  so she can show
us her car live!!!



On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 01:42 PM, agaidos at wrote:

> Indeed she is but it's not worth thinking about. I'm too old for her
> and at the
> moment too married as well. She's just a friend. However she once
> mentioned
> Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeto Jones as an example of a couple with
> a large
> age span....I think that was just to see if I can have a heart attack
> at 39.
> Quoting Robert Myers <robert at>:
>> But you gotta admit, Anton, that she's rather purdy - for a girl.  :-)
>> At 03:07 PM 10/29/02, agaidos at wrote:
>>> Ok, lets clear the air here. I had no idea what a contraversy this
>>> girl
>>> and her
>>> A3 would create! It's just a pretty young girl that grew up around
>>> Audis.
>>>  When she and I chat we talk about football, the differences between
>> European
>>> and US laws, the Virginia snipper, the beach in summer time vs. the
>> mountains
>>> in winter. BTW - she tells me a new S4 costs $100K in Denmark! Ouch!
>>>  Anyway, regardless of who she is and what she drives she is a nice,
>> charming
>>> girl with me. And that's all that matters. Who are any of us to
>>> question
>>> whether or not she tells me the truth. Maybe someone in Europe knows
>>> her,
>> has
>>> seen her or maybe her father is on this list. So you all should be
>> gentleman.
>>>  She's got brains btw too.
>>> Anton
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>>   Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
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