Input shaft seal question

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Oct 29 17:26:53 EST 2002

The input shaft seal on the rear diff.?  I had all my
components out of the car as I did all this with the
clutch replacement.  Several of the seals in the
tranny, center diff and rear diff were "weeping".  I
checked the cost and availablity and not knowing if
the fluids were ever changed (185k+ miles) I decided
to change them all.  For the input on the rear diff.,
it's a big cluster f*ck.  You have to take off the
front cover.  There's a big o-ring in there.  The one
thing I DIDN'T do was change the input shaft bearing
(about $7.) and it bit me in the a$$.  Now that new
seal is weeping again.  The bearing SEEMED O.K. after
removal and cleaning, but in retrospect, it had a
little too much play and roughness and I should have
replaced it.  I think it's letting the shaft egg
around under load, which lets the fluid sneak by the
seal.  If you need more info or clarification, let me
know.  The Bentley covers it pretty well, but you
might not have this reference.

Jim Accordino

--- Adam Jansen <aedan1 at> wrote:
> How did you get your seal off?
> I am having a dickens of a time with mine!
> thanks
> Adam
> Oly, WA

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