Per Lindgren lindgre at
Wed Oct 30 19:43:43 EST 2002

Junk, collectibles, whatever. One man's garbage is another mans gold. We
Audi owners should now, eh? ;-)

87 Cq

james accordino wrote:

>So all those DM's I've got laying around are junk?
>That SUCKS.
>Jim Accordino
>rich with defunct currencies
>--- Per Lindgren <lindgre at> wrote:
>>Different EU countries had different dates, from
>>which their old
>>currency was going out. I believe Germany was Euro
>>only from the end of
>>Feb-01. It's all Euro's now.
>>87 Cq
>>james accordino wrote:
>>>Kind of off topic, but are the EU countries off
>>>native "dollars"?  I was in the fatherland in Feb
>>>and they still had mostly DM prices although Euros
>>>were also posted at most larger businesses.  I'm
>>>back in Dec. and was just wondering.
>>>Jim Accordino
>>>--- Kent McLean &lt;kentmclean at;
>>>&gt; --
>>>&gt; Tom Nas wrote:
>>>&gt; &gt;found the equivalent of $12 in small
>>>&gt; the seats.
>>>&gt; &gt;Being of the old currency (guilders
>>>&gt; euros) it was worthless,
>>>&gt; &gt;though...
>>>&gt; I can see, a few years from now, a young kid
>>>&gt; up
>>>&gt; at his father and asking ...
>>>&gt; "What's a guilder
>>>&gt; Daddy?"
>>>&gt; Time flies like an arrow. (Fruit flies like a
>>>&gt; banana.)
>>>&gt; Kent, just musing
>>>&gt; '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"
>>>&gt; --
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