compression tests

ricematthews ricematthews at
Mon Sep 2 00:23:25 EDT 2002

Losing coolant with no visible sign of leakage could also point to a head
gasket, but it could also leak in a hard to see place such as the heater
core.   Did you retest that cylinder after squirting some oil in as Fred had
suggested?  This would eliminate rings.

----- Original Message -----
From: <pflynn11 at>
To: <ricematthews at>
Cc: <pflynn11 at>; <munrof at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: compression tests

> I was not driving the car when it over heated, as far as how it was
> running before hand ..I guess you could say as good as you would expect a
> 16 yr old slush box to run. However I was losing a slight amount of anti
> freeze with no visible signs of  leakage.
> pat

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