80, 90 odometer/ instrument cluster question

EBavely veetesse at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 3 12:18:12 EDT 2002

Hello all...

The odometer in my 1988 4cyl 80 had stopped after 200k+ miles, so I found a
replacement locally this weekend and put it in. The replacement cluster came
from a 1989 90 (auto) and once hooked up, everything except the odometer
seems to work when installed in my car.

This cluster could have the same problem as the original and I know that
type 89's use an electric signal instead of a speedo cable, but I'm
wondering if possibly I have a problem with my wiring / transponder on the

Interestingly enough, the speedometer does work...Do these clusters use the
same signal/wiring to operate the speedo needle as well as the odometer?  Is
there anyway of testing the transmission component?  The idea would be to
tell whether or not the cluster is indeed the problem...

Also, since the "new" cluster came from a 90 with the autocheck feature, now
that it's hooked up in my 80, the oil and brake light warnings flash and
beep since that system did not come on my car.  Is there any way of
disabling the autocheck feature?

Thanks in advance.

Elliott Bavely

86 4000CS Quattro
88 80 Fwd
83 Coupe GT
83 GTI FSP Racey car
83 GTI 16V
90 VW Cabriolet

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