
Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Tue Sep 3 14:12:48 EDT 2002

	so i just made a service appointment.  i thought i would ping the
list to get opinions about the problem before i go in there.

	2000 a4 avant 1.8t

	basically, there is an air leak.  it appears to be coming from the
little dohickey that is sort of above part of the turbo plumbing, back at
the end of the engine block.  you can mostly hear it under load.  the sound
is very similar in timbre to the classis I5 EM leak sound, except it is
more of a solid woosh of escaping air, rather than a ticking of one of the

	this only happens under load/boost, and is quite audible inside
the car.

	blown turbo bypass valve?  and BTW, what is the more potent replacement
for this part?  i seem to remember folks recommending a porsche part or
something like that.

	otherwise the car has been OK.  it's in for bodywork right now
for a minor skirmish with my girlfriend and a rental truck.  i'm doing
a bit of badge engineering, adding the 1.8t with the red stripe ;)  there
have been plenty of other little things that have needed replacing, or
fixing, and audi has happily paid for every cent of it.  rector audi, in
burlingame CA, has been really great.  it's out of my way to go there,
but i think they are the best of the 6 or 7 dealers within an hour of
here.  it takes me 6+ months to reach a scheduled service interval, and
they'll often have parts sitting on the shelf waiting for me to come in
again.  i lost one of the headlight washer covers.  when in for service,
they got the replacement all painted and stuff, but realized they would
have to order a new washer arm part because the tab was broken.  that's
been sitting on their shelf with my name on it since march, when i was in
for 30k service.  they seem to go above and beyond the call, most of
the time.

	no affiliation or anything, just commentary.  it's really out
of my way to go there, but the dealer that is literally 5 blocks from
my house (royal motors, SF CA) redefines incompetent.  they have a
massive captive customer base.  millions of audi cars in SF and it's
such a pain to get service elsewhere that they can really abuse their
position and people will keep coming back.  not me, though.

  rocky mullin - chaotic good
  "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey,
   but spiritual beings on a human journey." -Some Guy

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