4ksq Accelerator Problem

Jpinkowish at aol.com Jpinkowish at aol.com
Wed Sep 4 00:19:06 EDT 2002

In a message dated 9/3/02 9:27:39 PM EDT, quattro-request at audifans.com writes:

> My wife was driving my '84ksq to work today and she said they accelerator w=
>  ent
>  to the floor with no resistance and the car stalled like the throttle
>  ge
>  fell off.

Hi Chris,
Check the throttle cable linkage at the pedal.  This wears and sometimes lets
go or gives "iffy" feel to the pedal.

You'll need to remove the cardboard-like cover from underneath the dash.
Don't forget the screw towards the front of the car!

Accel pedal/throttle linkage grommett   431 721 559

Get this from the Audi or VW dealer.  Or, make your own.

I hope the fix is this easy.  The tough fix is that one or more of the
springs on the throttle body is gebroken.

Jan Pinkowish
'85 4ksq
Bristol, CT

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