Summary of responses to 5KCSTQ Oil Cooler Hose Leak Fix

Louis A. Mulieri mulieri at
Thu Sep 5 09:12:25 EDT 2002

Thanks for the immediate help and great suggestions from Dave, Jason, and
Scott. I peeled the remnants of the rusted crimp collar away completely so
the clamps would have a smooth cylindrical surface to press on. Two
stainless steel worm gear type clamps 1/2" wide fitted snugly side by side
on the crimp collar region. Used 1/4" drive ratchet to tighten clamps near
stripping torque. Presto, not a drop of leak even at 4K RPM and hot. I
scraped the rust off the rear crimp collar that was not leaking and
applied clamps to it also as insurance. Just great to get immediate help
from you guys even though it was early in a workday.

Lou Mulieri
Hinesburg, VT


Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 10:54:56 -0500
From: Dave Aukerman <aukdav at>
To: Louis A. Mulieri <mulieri at>,
quattro at
Subject: Re: 5000 CSTQ Oil Cooler Line Fix?

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A great low buck fix is a couple of hose clamps around that area.  Did
mine as a temporary fix and a year later it's still dry as a bone in the
area. Use a ratchet to get the most effect, as a screwdriver tends to give
up too soon.

Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 08:59:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jason <type44_5k at>
To: Louis A. Mulieri <mulieri at>,
quattro at
Subject: Re: 5000 CSTQ Oil Cooler Line Fix?


My oil cooler lines blew on my 87 5ktq when I was
pulling into my driveway a couple years ago.  Oil went
everywhere, not really cool at all.  $2.00 worth of
hose clamps over the rusted crimped connectors fixed
the problem for me.

From: scott thomas <scott at>
To: aukdav at, louis a. mulieri <mulieri at>,
     quattro at
Subject: Re: 5000 CSTQ Oil Cooler Line Fix?

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I saw the best way is to just get a new oil cooler. I got one of
those standard tranny coolers made by hayden. The 403, I believe. I
cut the fittings off the block side pipes. I mean where the hose
meets the pipes that come off the block. I used 5/8" aeroquip steel
braided hose, made reducers from Home depot fittings (solder brazed
them together) to reduce from the 5/8' inside diameter to the 3/8"
hose supplied. I fitted it in front of the condenser. The 5/8" hose
clamps onto the block pipes. You have to cut the six footer into two
three foot lengths. Got better cooling under all conditions and
boosts oil capacity by a little.
1 hayden 403
1 aeroquip 6 foot length of 5/8 i.d. hose (cut to three feet)
1 3/8" i.d. hose (inc with cooler) 3ft (cut to 1.5 feet)
be creative and bring both hoses to home depot to get the fittings. I
used a barb on one side and a nipple on the other. They screwed
together, but loosely, so I brazed them with solder. Never a problem
and a lot cheaper than the replacement lines for the cooler. An
additional problem is the fact that the fitting seem to like to sieze

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