Falkens...Where?Sizing on 200-195 or 205?

ricematthews ricematthews at msn.com
Wed Sep 4 20:34:12 EDT 2002

>Second question
>is why did Audi change to 195's on the 200's from 205's on the 5ks?
>If I can't find 195's, can I use 205's without screwing up my


My '89 200q had 205-60-15's on it and I always thought that was the correct
size.  Is your car a quattro?  You can check your owners manual or possibly
inside the gas filler door or in the door jamb and it should probably tell
you the recommended size.  Even if 195 is the recommended size, the
theoretical diameters are as follows:

195/60/15:  24.21 in
205/60/15:  24.69 in

This would mean that your speedo (and odo) would read about 2% low (assuming
it was correct in the first place).  That's probably a level of error that
you can live with.


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