Turbo compressor nut torque spec?

Konstantin Bogach konstantin.bogach at morganstanley.com
Fri Sep 6 17:56:49 EDT 2002

Sorry, in rush I even did not read contents.  Yes, it was my post and now I remembered - they told me 105 lb/in.


Konstantin Bogach wrote:

> Damn, I can not find a document with torques I got from the list, but it seems to me I remember numbers correctly.  It
> said 15 ft/lb and it was too much - I broke the shaft.  Guys from turbo shop who balanced the second shaft told me
> that they use 7 ft/lb.  I followed their advise and after 5K mi  it did not fall off yet.  I used blue locktite.
> Konstantin.
> >
> > From: "Michael Gough" <mdg3369 at newtsplace.com>
> >
> > Hey guys,
> > I remembered in the archives someone that had the wrong torque spec for the
> > nut that holds the compressor wheel to the shaft, and they broke the
> > shaft....
> > http://www.audifans.com/pipermail/quattro/20011222/042666.html
> > Turbo city apparently told them 15ft/lbs, another place told them 105in/lbs.
> > Turbo city told me 15-16in/lbs, which seems quite low. It's assembled right
> > now. I used 15in/lbs. I'm wondering if anyone else has ever had one of these
> > apart and can tell me what they torque it to?
> > Thanks a bunch
> > Mike
> >
> > -

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