100 V6 Fuel Pump Replacement BTDTs?

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Mon Sep 9 09:38:12 EDT 2002


I understand your concern about sparks but keep in mind that when the
hammer/screwdriver technique is being used the tank is pretty well sealed
and fumes in ignitable concentrations are unlikely to be present.

In order for a gasoline vapor/air mixture to ignite as a result of a spark
the ratio of components must be within a well defined range.  The mixture
must be between the two limits.  Mixtures either lower or higher in
gasoline vapor than this range will not ignite.  (Sorry, I don't have those
numbers before me at the moment but imagine trying to start an engine with
a fuel mixture which is too lean - it virtually doesn't happen.)  The lower
limits of this range (where one is most likely to be operating while
opening and closing the tank seal) is a fairly significant concentration of
gasoline vapor.  You will experience a _strong_ smell of gasoline well
before that lower explosive limit is reached.

The hazard, while a potential, is not as severe as your comments would lead
one to believe.  However, since there is at least some potential for
ignition and since the consequences of such an ignition are possibly quite
significant, erring on the side of caution is not a bad idea.

At 07:53 AM 9/9/02, Andrew Duane USG wrote:

>Hairy green toads from Mars made RYAN ALAN HOITINK say:
> > Chris-
> >
> > You don't need any special Audi tools.  All you need to get the top
> > ring off is a hammer and a flathead screwdriver.  Just pound around
> > the ring in a CCW direction.  BTDT several times.
>Um, you don't need the Audi special tool, but PLEASE do not use
>a hammer and screwdriver there!
>Screwdriver blade + metal ring + hammer blow = SPARK.
>And I think we all know what spark + gas tank equals.
>I found it much easier to use a small block of wood.
>Pressure treated is better, it's harder. I found a 4 inch
>scrap of 2x2 deck baluster which worked just dandy.
>Please be careful about sparks around the gas tank!
>Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)                 duane at zk3.dec.com
>HP/Compaq Corporation                   Andrew.Duane at compaq.com
>110 Spit Brook Road                     Andrew.Duane at hp.com
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  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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