Zygmunt; Bimmerparts

ccohen5 ccohen5 at compuserve.com
Mon Sep 9 08:25:12 EDT 2002

Absent a law suit, I think we can consider ourselves SOL.  Another insidious
result of the dot com phenomenon.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kneale Brownson" <knotnook at traverse.com>
To: "ccohen5" <ccohen5 at compuserve.com>; "Brett Dikeman" <brett at cloud9.net>;
"qlist" <quattro at audifans.com>; <s-car-list-request at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: Zygmunt; Bimmerparts

| I, also, am awaiting the refund for the same relays I returned to them.
| At 12:43 PM 09/07/2002 -0600, ccohen5 wrote:
| >I am having the same experience trying to get a credit for the wrong
| >they sent me.  Their web site advertised the relays that permit
| >intermittent wipers on the Urq but they sent versions that not only had a
| >different part number but were known not to have the same function.
| >
| >This problem is documented elsewhere (BTW have not found the correct
| >as yet) and I have been trying to get a credit from them despite my
| >receipted return.
| >
| >I think this problem is a function of the "dying dot com syndrome".
| >
| >Colin

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