Seats at the Indy Gran Prix?

Wallace White wallace at
Mon Sep 9 08:38:59 EDT 2002

Jim -

I've been to the race and Mike's right: everyone wants the seats at the
first turn, where most of the passing occurs. We sat in the middle of
the last turn (turn 1 for Indy cars). It was fun and loud but you didn't
see a lot of action.

During practice and qualifying, we enjoyed going to the turn at the
beginning of the back straight. There's a nice grass ridge where you can
sit and get a good view.

And yes, tickets were very cheap the day-of last year, but that was
particularly because it was shortly after 9/11, I think.

Have a great time if you go!

- Wallace
   '87 5kcstq 190k

Mike Veglia wrote:
> I haven't been (yet) myself, and won't again this year due to a schedule
> conflict with the Laguna Seca ALMS race weekend :(
> I would suggest asking this question in the F1 forum on
> as well. I hear tell the best grandstand spot is down towards the oval turn
> 4 (F1 road course turn 1). Only get grandstand tickets for raceday. The
> infield viewing mounds sound worthwhile to wander around and view from for
> the practice and qualifying days.
> Not sure if scalpers will be so foolish as to stock up again this year, but
> urban legend has it that you could get exceptional seats for well below face
> value off the street last year.
> Have fun!
> Mike Veglia
> Motor Sport Visions Photography

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