Second PSO

Robert Myers robert at
Mon Sep 9 18:17:59 EDT 2002

Yup.  The symptoms strongly point toward a second PSO channel going out on
me. I have a full time miss in cylinder #5.  The earlier one was in
cylinder #2.  I was able to swap out the first bad channel and make use of
the "spare" channel.  That option is no longer available.

Has anyone found a source of less expensive PSO's?  It looks like I need to
buy one this time.

  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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