Rebuilt A/C compressor warranty woes

Joshua Van tol josh at
Mon Sep 9 21:06:01 EDT 2002

On Monday, September 9, 2002, at 07:07  PM, Fred Munro wrote:

> Hi Wallace;
> It's usually considered good practice to replace the dryer and orifice
> when
> the compressor is replaced. You often don't know whether the old
> compressor
> blew chunks, and these can collect in the dryer and be recycled into
> the new

Also, the dessicant in the drier is incompatible with r-12 if it's an
old system, and anyway the dessicant does get used up with time.

> compressor. A plugged orifice will keep the system from working
> properly, so
> that is usually replaced as well.

Consider a VOV as a replacement. I just put one in and it does seem to
give a nice boost to idle performance and perhaps a slight reduction in
drag at highway speeds.

> They always don't have to be replaced, but if the new compressor fails
> you'll always wonder whether it was something coming out of the old
> dryer.

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