Rebuilt A/C compressor warranty woes

Wallace White wallace at
Tue Sep 10 09:42:47 EDT 2002

Thanks, Christopher. In this case, it was the mechanic who didn't want
to replace the receiver-dryer and orifice valve, though I had suggested
it, so I'd say he was going to bat for himself. Still, I appreciate his
time and willingness to deal with this mess.

I'll bring up the R-134a conversion if the cost of the R-12 charge is a
sticking point. Good thought.

'87 5kcstq 190k

Christopher Ritchie wrote:
* * * *
> I think you got a deal.  Grab it.  Your mechanic stuck up for you.  He
> was able to get most of the cost of this repair covered by somebody
> else.  I'm not sure, but I believe when they recover the refrigerant,
> they can filter and reuse it.  But they may not want to.  Remember this
> is the same refrigerant that caused your compressor to fail.  I assume
> they are recovering the refrigerant.  They may be throwing it away.
> Why don't you take this opportunity to convert to R-134a?  You'll be
> doing most of the work and replacing the parts anyway.  You'll be giving
> your mechanic some more work, which might make him more amenable in
> negotiations.  Of course, he may also use that as his opportunity to
> "get well" on this repair.
> I think you've got a good mechanic.  They are treasures.  I'd work with
> him.

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