Mutil-Function Temp Sender - Ops Check?

robert_a_dupree at robert_a_dupree at
Tue Sep 10 12:08:57 EDT 2002

I am 99% sure that the ECU does indeed care about the MFTS.  As it is a
critical test component on the diagnostic list for the WGFV.
Maybe I read the Bently wrong...

Rob D.

Marc Swanson <mswanson at> on 09/10/2002 10:07:32

To:   robert_a_dupree at
cc:   quattro at
Subject:  Re: Mutil-Function Temp Sender - Ops Check?

> So on a hunch he disconnected the MFTS and nothing, absolutely nothing is
> different.
> Since the other components in the added boost arena have passed tests it
> seems like this is a likely culprit.

not so fast.   IIRC the ECU doesn't care about the MFTS (Multi Function
Temperature Sensor for those not versed in acronyms).  It uses those
little single pin temp sensors (one in the head, one in the coolant
neck) to monitor the running temp of the engine.


Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
Sonitrol Communications Corp.
Hartford, CT

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