Mutil-Function Temp Sender - Ops Check?

Nate Stuart newt at
Tue Sep 10 15:19:14 EDT 2002

'89 90tq

> Is there a way to tell if the MFTS is defaulted to 'over-heat'?
> The WGFV cicuits check out OK, but it doesn't seem to be adding boost.
> This chip and spring in an '87 car would hit 18psi regularly.
> RD
> Nate Stuart <newt at> on 09/10/2002 13:14:40
> To:   <robert_a_dupree at>
> cc:   <mswanson at>, <quattro at>
> Subject:  Re: Mutil-Function Temp Sender - Ops Check?
> Yup, the MFTS only comes into effect on an overheat condition, and tells
> the ECU to stop using the WGFV to try and keep temps down. The actuall
> engine temp reference is as Marc suggested and thats the little 1 pin
> jobbie.
> -Nate
> '89 90tq
>> I am 99% sure that the ECU does indeed care about the MFTS.  As it is
> a
>> critical test component on the diagnostic list for the WGFV.
>> Maybe I read the Bently wrong...
>> Rob D.
>> Marc Swanson <mswanson at> on 09/10/2002 10:07:32
>> To:   robert_a_dupree at
>> cc:   quattro at
>> Subject:  Re: Mutil-Function Temp Sender - Ops Check?
>>> So on a hunch he disconnected the MFTS and nothing, absolutely
>> nothing
>> is
>>> different.
>>> Since the other components in the added boost arena have passed tests
>> it
>>> seems like this is a likely culprit.
>> not so fast.   IIRC the ECU doesn't care about the MFTS (Multi
> Function
>> Temperature Sensor for those not versed in acronyms).  It uses those
>> little single pin temp sensors (one in the head, one in the coolant
>> neck) to monitor the running temp of the engine.
>> Later
>> --
>> ----------------------------------
>> Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
>> Sonitrol Communications Corp.
>> Hartford, CT
>> Email: mswanson at
>> Phone: (860) 616-7036
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