whirring sound engine

Suffolk GameServer LAN suffolk.associates at verizon.net
Wed Sep 11 02:58:59 EDT 2002

4000Q or 5000Q either way it won't matter except I judt drove my 4000Q for
its first run in 13 months scary!

Whirring.  Either timing too tight: which would make the H20 pump whirrr
too. AND/OR
Alternator pully needs a little lube or other pulley for that matter.
-Scott in BOSTON  63K? WOW!

I also have one other question.  There seems to be a whirring noise
coming from under the hood, at idle, and all speeds.  A buddy of mine
told me it was either the timing belt (which is new), or the water pump.
 He stated that the noise is normal.  I can clearly hear that sound with
the hood closed, and the windows up.  Is this normal?  Is this something
that I should be concerned about.  I already know that the bearings in
the AC are going bad, that is slatted for next spring.  Could that be
the cause of the this whirring noise?

New proud owner of an 87 Audi Quattro with 63,000 miles.  Mint shape

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