rekeying locks in a type 44

Wallace White wallace at
Tue Sep 10 23:55:19 EDT 2002

Huw Powell wrote:
>>When I replaced my driver's door handle, I found that I could just
>>re-arrange the wafers in the new one to match the old ones. Could there
>>really be ten different sizes?
> I did this once or twice, taking notes and using random spare wafers.
> Got the vaguely unreliable memory impression that there were only 3 or 4
> distinct ones.  Even 3 is enough for security, 3^7 is a pretty big
> number.

IIRC, I flipped some of the wafers around to match the old arrangement.
I recall there being perhaps two sizes, each with two possible
orientations... but it was four years ago. I do know that I managed to
make it work without reusing the old wafers.

I can see an excellent junior high math problem in there...

- Wallace
   '87 5kcstq 190k

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