[A4] A4 head rebuild, Part 3 - correction.

Igor Kessel igor at s-cars.org
Wed Sep 11 10:58:46 EDT 2002

Igor Kessel wrote:
> PART 3 - head cleanup.
> My notes below are NOT meant to be a substitute for not reading your
> Bentley! They are only a supplement, ought to share some tricks and
> hidden obstacles with you.
> 12. Relieve the pressure on the chain tensioner using the Audi tool
> #3366. Make sure that you don't over tighten it or you will damage the
> tensioner.
> 13. Using a Torx #30 bit carefully relieve the pressure from both
> camshafts in a diagonal sequence: caps #2 and #4 first, then the rest.
> Remove the caps, the camshafts and the chain tensioner. Note that for
> some mysterious reason Audi has decided to mark the camshaft bearing
> caps in an unusual manner: their numbering starts from the back of the
> head.

the above paragraph #12 is missing a crucial bit of information, and the
paragraph #13 is plain wrong. I was typing this at 02:35 in the morning
so please excuse these goof-ups. Please heed my warning above and
consult with your Bentley RELIGIOUSLY. Moreover, if you find a
contradiction bettween my words and what's written in the Bentley (like
for example in the paragraph #13 above), then obviously follow your
These two paragraphs read:
12. Rotate the exhaust camshaft by its sprocket clockwise until both
camshafts are in their TDC positions. Mark the chain links above the TDC
notches in both camshafts with a permanent marker. In addition I
recommend putting a tiny zip-tie around these each of two links to mark
them before removing the chain. They are 16 links apart. You want to put
the chain back on the camshafts just the way it used to sit. Relieve the
pressure on the chain tensioner using the Audi tool #3366. Make sure
that you don't over tighten it or you will damage the tensioner.

13. Using a Torx bit #30 carefully remove the bearing caps, the
camshafts and the chain tensioner in the sequence outlined in your
Bentley. Pay very close attention to the exact procedure, of you will be
risking cracking the cast iron hollow camshaft. Note that for some
mysterious reason Audi has decided to mark the camshaft bearing caps in
an unusual manner: their numbering starts from the back of the head.

Sorry for the confusion folks.
Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros

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