Is the Cruise Control Servo/Regualtor Bad?

Brady Moffatt bradym at
Wed Sep 11 19:28:15 EDT 2002

Hi Cade,

I had a similar problem on my 86 4kq. But I was given another hint: it
worked when the engine was warm. My guess is that there is gunk in the
module. But since the cruise has worked all summer, I haven't cleaned it out
yet. Soon.... Some listers have run soapy water through the pump with a 9V
battery or 12V leads, and have reported huge vacuum improvements.

The price is right on this fix, and even if it turns out not to be the
problem, it's probably worth it. Next check the vacuum release switches
under the brake and clutch pedals. If these aren't the problem, money will
be involved in the repair....

BTW, very low mileage on your 4kq!

Brady Moffatt
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
86 4ksq, 295,000km
86 4ksq, 208,000km parts car
72 Datsun 240Z, 180,000 miles
In early stages of quattrosis accumulatus

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