Subject: Re: The Penny Drops

John Larson j.d.larson at
Fri Sep 13 19:52:50 EDT 2002

Basically, what you'll get if you remove the battery from the charging
circuit  is a quickly and seriously toasted alternator.  Period.  With no
load to control the output, the alternator tries to charge the whole
universe, something beyond its puny little capacity.   John

On Fri, Sep 13, 2002 at 03:52:55PM -0400 or thereabouts, Marc Swanson wrote:
> The battery is a big fat capacitor.  Many charging systems rely somewhat
> on the battery to smooth out the voltage for the devices connected to
> the system.  Plus some of the engine electronics may not work at all at
> anything other than a narrow band of say 10-13 volts.  Go outside of
> that even for an instant and it may shut down.  Driving a car without a
> battery is just a really bad idea in general as it can damage the
> electronics for this reason, especially in newer cars.

I get that. But if I had clean power from the regulator, I can't see any
reason why I would need a battery once it was putting out power. Just
from a feeding power standpoint.

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