time to de-list bad vendors?

auditude at cox.net auditude at cox.net
Sat Sep 14 13:02:03 EDT 2002


Here are some of my experiences with vendors that I can think of.

I ordered two sets of front RS2 brake caliper brackets from Sierra Motorsport.  Despite my two or three
emails prior to the phone conversion describing what I wanted, the very specific phone conversation itself,
and a followup email describing the order I just placed, I received one front pair and one rear pair.

I contacted John, and he said to send the rears back.  I asked him about the shipping charge.  He said to
send them Fedex Ground using his account number, and that it should be on the package they came in.
I had to call him a few times to ask what the number was, since it wasn't on the package.  As easy as it
should have been for him to just give me the number, he kept sending me off to look for it on the package
before finally reluctantly looking it up and giving it to me on the phone.

I sent the rear brackets back and they were signed for.  My account wasn't credited back and my phone
calls and emails were never returned.  A month went by and I had to dispute the claim with my credit card
company and they reversed the charges.

Since his son Mark has been a long time lister, and Sierra Motorsport used to participate in the Audi
community, I've resisted even mentioning this.  But it happened, so there you go.  The bad taste in my
mouth wasn't from the initial messed up order, but rather from their attitude regarding customer service
(getting me the shipping account number) and then flat-out lack of response in getting my payment
credited back.  If I had paid cash or equivalent, I might be screwed right now.  No followup apology or
clarification to this day, either.

As for Blaufergnugen, I think the problem there might be consistency.  I've not have any bad experiences
with them.  I thought I was shipped a chipped eurolight lens that turned out to be just a piece of silvering
stuck on the inside of the lens.  It was my mistake/misinterpretation, and if I recall correctly, they ate the
shipping for the "replacement" lens both ways.

I bought some Bilstein struts from Zygmunt and didn't have a problem.  I did actually had to ask them
twice for a copy of my invoice with prices after the fact, and they came through after the second request.
They paid for shipping almost across the U.S. for my struts, which I thought was pretty cool.

I had a negative experience with Mid-Tex, in that I called to get pricing on the same Bilsteins, and the guy
asked me about the prices I had collected.  When I told him the prices, he didn't believe me.  He told me
"to my face" that I would not get the actual parts I wanted for that price, and that if I did to give him a copy
of the invoice (see above) and he would send me a free t-shirt.  Well, I bought them for even cheaper than
the price he didn't believe, got the proof, and called him out on it.  Then he says well he'll send me a t-shirt
with my "next order" from him.  He goes on to say that he basically gives good prices to his regular
customers, and that if I am a newcomer that I shouldn't expect to get the same deals.  Well, suffice to
say I probably won't be getting a free t-shirt, since I doubt I'll be placing any orders with him.  Basically
call me a liar, and then go back on your own word.  Whatever.

Bad experiences and negative feeling can happen in any transaction, even when the seller isn't
necessarily a bad guy.  For example, I was a little put off when I bought my Ultranator from Avi with the
understanding that I needed to also get the different bracket.  However, it wasn't until the actual exchange
in-person that Avi brought up the additional price of the bracket.  I would have preferred that that cost be
disclosed when the meeting was being arranged beforehand.  He said he would have the bracket I needed
with him, but didn't mention it was extra until we met on the side of the road making the exchange.  This
is not to say that I deserve to get the bracket for free, but the cost wasn't made clear until I was buying
the alternator itself.  It just sorta contributed to a moment of uneasiness that could have been avoided.  A
further issue at the time was some problems with the pulleys that was ironed out.  This was my not
realizing that different pulley combinations were possible, and Avi's assumption that I knew that was the

In the end Avi made everything right, and ate the cost of shipping a replacement back and forth.  I hesitate
to even bring this up, since Avi sorta jumped on Taka when he posted his dealings with him.  I do feel that
someone should be able to share their thoughts and have it not viewed as a personal attack.  That all
said, I would buy from Avi again and hope he doesn't get all pissed from my bringing this up and would sell
to me when the time comes. :-)

When I ordered a modified tie rod for turbo conversions from 2Bennett, the order was fulfilled no problem.  I
haven't put it in yet, so I can't comment on the product itself.  I don't forsee a problem tho', since they've
got lots of experience.

Rod at The Parts Connection stands out as a shining example of great customer service, pricing, and
delivery.  I can't say I've ever had a bad experience in my many years of dealing with him.

I've ordered Bilstein's from Shox.com/RD Enterprises and don't recall anything bad about it.

I got an interior from Chris at Force 5, and it came with some shipping damage that was probably not their
fault.  Chris credited me for the damage and all is well.  I've had to follow up on some orders with very
minor issues, but Chris has always made it right.  In my opinion, there are always going to be mistakes
and miscommunications, but it's how it is handled when it does happen that makes an organization good
or bad.

I've had some "mis-pickings" (wrong thing pulled off the shelf and shipped) and items missing from orders
from Carlsen, but only some of those were their fault.  Regardless of who's fault it was, Didi has always
made it right in the end.

Oh, and check this out.  I think I still may not have placed an order with John at Impex, but definitely will
someday.  I once posted an issue I was having with some Bosch plug wires, and he stepped in and did a
warranty exchange for me.  Even though I didn't buy the original wires from him, he demonstrated to me
that he has excellent customer service.  I was, and still am, very impressed by that, but haven't yet had
the opportunity to send him some of my business.

I can't think of any other notable issues right now.  I would be much more upset with many of the
problems if the cars I was getting parts for were my only mode of transportation.  I'm much more forgiving
than others might be, as I can have a car be down for parts for a while if I need to.

I do think that some vendors are good or only sources of some of the stuff they offer.  Although they might
leave some to be desired, we may find ourselves needing to buy from them anyway.  Perhaps various
issues can be collected and the vendors given an opportunity to respond to them.  If we can help them
improve by giving them feedback, then the whole community might be better off for it.  Rather than
boycotting them out of business so that we are left with potentially no one.



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