FW: 84 5kT parts for 86 5ktq revisited

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Sun Sep 15 16:11:31 EDT 2002

Thanks for replying, Javad.  I have version 5 and it clearly shows the same
engine.  It does list the KH for the 84 but also the MC.  I looked it up and
found out where I can get the part # off the engine and I will go have
another look at the 84.

I suspect that maybe the European 84's had the MC available, but possibly
not brought over to north America until a couple years later.  If so,

I'll let the list know when I have another look at the engine.


> ----------
> From: 	JShadzi at aol.com[SMTP:JShadzi at aol.com]
> Sent: 	September 15, 2002 12:51 PM
> To: 	Livolsi, Stephane; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	Re: 84 5kT parts for 86 5ktq revisited
> <<In fact, the FA lists the 2.23l 121kw MC for the 84 turbo with an
> identical
> part # for the MC in the 86 5ktq!  Holy spare turbo MC Batman!>>
> In the US, the 84 has a KH, not an MC, I didn't think Canada was any
> different.  What version of FA are you using?  They look similar but are
> totally different motors.
> Javad

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