Snow tires.....

Greg Galinsky nokian at
Sun Sep 15 22:09:10 EDT 2002

It did used to be Nokia.  When the company was split off from the Nokia corp
( cell phone and telecom) they added a letter at the end.   Nokia divested
themselves of their holdings in paper, pulp, steel cable, computor moniters,
electronics, protective rubber wear and boots in the mid 90's.  The tire
division was also one of the divisions to go; was less than 10% of the
company.  The parent company kept 20% of the stock in the tire division but
it was launched as a seperate company and as NOKIAN.

Greg Galinsky
selling Nokian and Nokia tires since 1979
----- Original Message -----
From: <l.leung at>
To: <bradym at>
Cc: <t44tq at>; <ricematthews at>;
<rmwoodbury at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 7:14 PM
Subject: Re:Re: Snow tires.....

> Nope,
> It always was Nokian. We have just mixed up the similar
> name to the phone and electronics manufacturer....
> LL - NY

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