What is it??

Jon Spensko spensko at cox-internet.com
Sun Sep 15 22:19:28 EDT 2002

Dear Support Group,

I have a 1988 5KCSQT Wagon (project) that was purchased with many issues.
As the list of things to do is growing each day I have come upon an electric
part that the Bentley's do not describe (no surprise).  It is located under
the rear passengers seat on the driver's side.  It is approx. 1" x 2" x 6"
with a large fusible link.  Two 6 flat prong plugs and is mounted under a
"Y" shaped mounting bracket.  The previous owner had by-passed it and I have
found melted wires near the rear drivers taillight (Green w/Blue strip)
again not identified in any schematic, that seem to originate at the
by-passed connection.

The VW - Audi part has these numbers  PHO,  FTZ,  447 035 225B,  21/521S &
No. 38157.  Any one have info or help on this??

Jon Spensko
1992 100S
1988 5KCSQT Wagon (project)

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