Follow up on Stoopid Ebayers/new motor
Robert Myers
robert at
Mon Sep 16 20:10:06 EDT 2002
At 06:39 PM 9/16/02, james accordino wrote:
>That's cool. Every time I accidentally see some
>infomerical while channel surfing, I think "who buys
>this sh*t?". Obviously lot's of people must. I guess
>if the bullshit line is good enough. How bout the
>magnets on the fuel line that ionized the molecules
>for 200% increase in fuel economy or some such crap?
What!?!? You mean the magnets don't work? What if I turn them the other
direction so that the poles swap position? Maybe that will make 'em do
their job better. Think maybe?
Now I gotta go read those instructions again. I don't quite understand how
to mount the new turbolator cyclone power improver I just bought for my
car. I'm sure that bent piece of aluminum sheet will make a BIG difference
in the power and economy I can get from the engine.
Let's see, this other set of directions seems to say that I should drain
the oil from the engine and put this additive in and then drain it again
and I'll never need to add oil again. Wow! No more expensive oil
bills! That sounds wonderful! :-)
You are right. Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence
of the Murkin public. :-(
Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
'95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
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