s6 avant $10,000 ?

David Eaton deaton at tranzrail.co.nz
Tue Sep 17 13:45:55 EDT 2002

having just disposed of my '95 s6 sedan - (owned for at least 3 weeks), i
can say that here in nz, good ones go for around $usd 10k for a '95 2-3
owner car.  sad but true.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

		-----Original Message-----
		Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 08:56:10 -0700

		New Zealand? I think that's where Dave Eaton lives.

		- Wallace
		   '87 5kcstq 190k

		Pat Korach wrote:
		> Scott
		> Probably in a wrecking yard for that price.  Prices for a
good ones are in the $18K to over $20K range.
		> Pat Korach
		> Kirkland, WA
		> Suffolk GameServer LAN wrote:
		>>Where can I find a S6 Avant for $10,000?
		>>-Scott in BOSTON

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