5000CS TQ Rear brake pad shims?

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 18 15:28:57 EDT 2002

I've seen these before.  I believe they were made of
thin pieces of stainless.  I think they're for
vibration/squeal damping.  The Anti-Squeal is like a
rubbery goop.  Alot like the Dip-It someone was just
talking about.  Probably with high heat resistant
properties.  You put it where the backing plates make
contact.  On the ears of the caliper casting and the
rim of the piston.  Kind of "glues" the pads on so the
down vibrate/squeal during low speed, light brake

Jim Accordino

--- "Louis A. Mulieri"
<mulieri at physiology.med.uvm.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I ordered a new set of rear brake pads (ATE) for my
> 88 5KCSTQ. They
> came without the thin metal/coating plates that my
> calipers currently have
> between pistons and backs of pads. Are these plates
> shims or are they
> there for heat/vibration control? The present ones
> are deteriorated and
> I'd like to know whether they are necessary with ATE
> pads and what to call
> them when ordering a new set.
> 	Also, if I don't put in new thin plates, do I need
> any anti-squeal
> lubricant and where does it go?
> Thanks
> Lou

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