Bosch 5kcstq fuel pump death after 2.5 years

Wallace White wallace at
Wed Sep 18 22:45:55 EDT 2002

Efraim -

Not certain... my estimate of how much I drew out of the tank doesn't
seem to match what I see in the tank. I estimate I sucked 13 gallons off
a tank that had been driven just 1 gal from a fillup: 21 - 1 - 13 = 7
gal. Yet the tank looks like it has considerably less than that and the
pump was about halfway above the level of the gas. (I don't have
anywhere to put the last bit!) My little 2-gallon gas can must hold more
than that.

Sorry, that's not much help... I would _guess_ 1/4 tank. Another lister
suggested that the fuel running through the pump cools it anyway.

- Wallace
   '87 5kcstq 190k

Efraim Gavrilovich wrote:
> Hi Wallace,
> Your caveat (b) applies to me, too. What, in your opinion, should be the
> minimum volume of gas in the tank to keep the pump fully immersed? I still
> have my original pump and want to keep it this way.
> Thanks,
> Efraim Gavrilovich
> 1988 5KTQ 345,000km (215K mi), 1.8 Bar
> 1990 90 124,000km (77K mi)
> Vancouver, Canada
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wallace White" <wallace at>
> To: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 12:46 AM
> Subject: Bosch 5kcstq fuel pump death after 2.5 years
>  <snip>
>>(b) I am guilty of running the tank way down regularly. I usually put
>>17~18 gallons in at a fillup--i.e., I drive up to a gallon past the auto
>>check warning. The tank allegedly holds 21 gallons. I might have to
>>convert to the theory that the pump needs to be fully immersed to be
>>properly cooled. Pathetic design, then, if you ask me.

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