4kqs No Start
Chris Talley
cmtalley at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 19 05:48:30 EDT 2002
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My =9184kqs is having a no start problem here are the symptoms: It just died
while driving with no warning
I replaced the cap and rotor and plugs that looked a little worn. Static ti=
it TDC center on #1 using the mark on the back of the cam sprocket.
Checked resistance on the coil and it checked pretty close to specs about 5
ohms high.
I cleaned all of the electrical connections including the ground on the int=
manifold, and reinstalled using dielectric grease.
Checked the resistance of the spark plugs wires and HT lead.
The spark look strong and bright.
All vacuum hoses are attached and I replaced most of them
I cleaned out the air box there was some pine needles in it but nothing that
would keep the flap from opening. The air filter could probably stand to be
renewed but I shook the loose stuff out
When I was testing for spark I noticed only #1 had a noticeable amount of
fuel on. Does this mean it isn=92t getting fuel?
The airflow plate moved up and down with no restriction.
I could get fuel to come out of the injectors when I jumped the fuel pump
relay and held the airflow plate up
I put my new spare fuel pump relay in just to make sure that wasn=92t the
The spare fuse is fine.
I didn=92t check the cold start valve, I read it is seldom the problem and=
car was warm when it died.
I am running out of ideas here I feel the fuel isn=92t getting from the
distributor to the injectors, could it be something like the fuel pump going
or a bad connection to the pump or a funky ECU?
Any thoughts
TIA Chris
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