Master or Slave Cylinder?

Dave C conner at
Fri Sep 20 16:41:05 EDT 2002

Carlos wrote...
"I'm also looking for this answer. I replaced the master and bled the
clutch to
no avail.   I suspect it's the slave in my case, but this is a PITA job."

Carlos, et al,

Could this be a case of "clutch pedal won't fully return after bleeding"?
AKA as air in the system?
If so, see the fix copied below, contributed by John Larson.  This trick
worked for me on a 200q.
Dave C.

John Larson j.d.larson at
Fri, 18 May 2001 16:10:40 -0700

Air still in the line.  Here's a trick from old Mercedes work.  Get some
vinyl tubing the right size to fit snugly on the bleeder, and about 4 feet
long.  Put one end on the left front caliper nipple, and gently push the
brake pedal with the bleeder cracked until the air is out of the hose.
Might require a few openings and closings to get there. Pretend you're
bleeding the brakes.  Put the open end on the clutch bleeder and open the
nipple.  Open the brake bleeder valve on the left caliper and gently press
the pedal down. Again, just like bleeding brakes.  No need to top off the
reservoir, the fluid is running in a circle.  This should get the air out of
the clutch system.  Good luck.  John

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