missing bolts on front of engine...

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Sep 21 08:39:22 EDT 2002

If I remember correctly from doing the 4kq water pump/timing belt a couple
months ago, those two bolts actually were pretty short and apparently
served only to help anchor the timing belt cover.  The ones that were
easier to get to straight on were the longer ones.  Did you put a sealant
on the longer bolts?  That might be the source of your leak.

No clue about the strange noise.  Do you hear it when you rev up without
moving the car?  Maybe it's a rolling sound from the

At 03:40 AM 09/21/2002 -0400, Shawn Head wrote:

>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>Hi all,
>While doing a water pump replacement on my ’86 CGT, dad and I noticed
>that the two bolts that require a ¼ inch u-joint socket attachment to
>get to weren’t there.  Dad said that they were the ones that go throught
>the engine and help bolt the oil pump down tight.  I have noticed a
>slight oil leak over the last couple of weeks, could  that be a major
>cause?  Plus there has been a pretty loud whine from the engine under
>deceleration, actually more along the lines of coasting to stop.
>Again could that be the oil pump not being held tight enough?
>/        Shawn Head         /
>/        86 Coupe GT        /

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