Steering Help

LRGreger at LRGreger at
Sat Sep 21 11:05:08 EDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
My wife's 93 90CS has developed a severe steering wheel oscillation.  She
mentioned something about it to me long ago, but I forgot about it, and she
didn't say anything more.  I drove the car recently for the first time in 6
months and found that the steering wheel is oscillating a good half of an
inch rotationally at low speeds.  It's actually disconcerting to hold the
wheel at low speeds.  At high speeds, the oscillation reduces to only a
vibration in the steering wheel, and the oscillation disappears when turning

Any ideas?  The car has 120,000 miles, but is still very reliable.

There is one other problem.  The climate control system is malfunctioning
sporadically.  The problem first evidenced itself with the ventilation fan
sporadically not immediately starting upon starting the car.  Sometimes it
took several miles of driving for the fan to come on, and other times it came
on immediately.  As you can imagine it got worse instead of better.  Over a
several month time period, the situation has deteriorated to the point where
the fan rarely if ever runs.  Since we live in a temperate California
climate, the problem hasn't been devastating, but obviously it needs to be

The last assistance I was given here was marvelous.  The car was sporadically
not starting.  The starting problem appeared totally random, and would
miraculously heal itself (and start) within 10-15 minutes generally.  A
couple of people suggested that the problem might be a deteriorating Hall
Sensor.  I replaced the Hall Sensor with a used one to see if that was the
problem, and for the last 3 months the car has started every time.  Now I
guess that I should install a new Hall Sensor in case they have a limited
lifetime?  (But it's starting fine now!)

Rob Greger
88 80q
93 90CS
97 A4q

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