forward RE: question re. heater/AC removal -> no heat

Ben Swann bswann at
Mon Sep 23 00:45:22 EDT 2002


I am copying the audifans list on this, as that is where the collective
experience on these matters is.

What specific year/model Audi are we dealing with here?

For example, the 4000 series were typically cable actuated heater valves
and the 5000 series I think are vacuum actuated.  Both cars have there
share of vaccum lines which control flaps and the like in order to direct
heat/cold air to/from the correct places.


On Sunday, September 22, 2002 8:30 AM, Tarmo [SMTP:lingua at] wrote:
> hi,
> i removed a/c compressor (i think it's compressor?) and now heater
> working, do you know wiring or smthng to get it work again, winter is
> coming :)
> any news about check?
> .....................
> Tarmo Roos
> lingua at
> .....................

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