'87 4kq clutch wear

ricematthews ricematthews at msn.com
Sun Sep 22 08:28:49 EDT 2002

In the 4kq's  I have driven (including the one that I owned for a number of
years), the clutches all start to engage pretty low and have a very nice and
progressive feel.  Not to mention that I think your clutch disk would
usually wear out before the pressure plate.  You can probably adjust the
level at which it engages and get many more miles of use out of it.

I just had some work done on my 4kq at Best Service at 96th and Aurora in
Seattle. When they handed the car back, they said the clutch pressure plate
worn, although they didn't go so far as to say it urgently had to be done
week or this month. The mechanic said that when he let off the clutch, it
too quick to engage, and at some point I'll reach a point where it won't
disengage at all.

I got the car at 154k, and it's now pushing 173k, so I don't have the feel
of a
fresh 4kq pressure plate for comparision. Am I right in understanding that
clutches are normally good for ~250k? Ballpark idea how much longer mine
be good for? TIA

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